Friday, December 25, 2015

Luke E Boy - Angels We Have Heard on High

Luke E Boy - Angels We Have Heard on High
Merry Christmas! An original Luke E. Boy bluegrass rendition of "Angels We Have Heard on High".I played and overlaid more than twenty tracks
Posted by Luke E. Boy on Friday, December 25, 2015
Merry Christmas! 

An original Luke E. Boy bluegrass rendition of 
"Angels We Have Heard on High".
I played and overlaid more than twenty tracks including 
guitar, mandolin, styrofoam cup, hammer, piano and...
well, I can't give it all away - 
you will just have to watch it; 
and lest ye be misled, I am the only one in this video 
including the videographer:)
Hope you enjoy! 

Saturday, December 5, 2015


I love it when I find free photo editing software!

The most recent program added to my collection is an incredible panorama-making tool called "Hugin".  

If you are interested in making panoramas, this program is a must-have!  It's super-simple, yet incredibly powerful.  It is able to automatically arrange and stitch your pictures together in a single panorama, whether they are horizontal, vertical or even grid-style panoramas.  

I have been able, at the push of a button, to stitch forty-one pictures together in a grid pattern, and it was flawless! Since I downloaded this program it has opened up so many creative opportunities! 

About the pictures . . .
Taking a pictures of a crashing wave is not too difficult - the brightly lite ocean allowed me to keep the ISO down and speed up my shutter in order to freeze the motion nicely; but capturing an ocean  panorama was more of a challenge. 
Fortunately, my camera shoots at eight frames-per-second, allowing me to quickly scan across the scene before the wave moved too much. 

Poppy Mountain
Located only a mile from my home is this magnificent view.  
If you look closely in the bottom left corner you can see the road that winds it's way like a snake into the canyon. I was able to achieve this wide-angle picture by turning my camera on it's side, so the width of the cameras' field of view was vertical, otherwise you wouldn't have seen the poppies I was standing in.  Then I took three pictures, each one overlapping the last - the more overlap the better. The sky was added later using GIMP.